
I'm Published

 I have finally put my money where my mouth is so to speak. I published my very first ebook for kindle on amazon! 

It is a short book for sex workers and adult content creators to help them create new content even when they feel stuck and don't know what to create. It has a ton of NSFW content ideas and a whole bunch of SFW ideas thrown in. 

You can get it HERE

I am hoping that new and established adult creators alike find my book helpful.

I spent damn near all of 2020 in quarantine with my family (we were sick with covid in February) and I spent a lot of that time reading and writing. I have started over 10 different books, all covering a variety of topics from sex work and adult content to health and wellness, and I plan to publish each and every one of them. 

I decided to start with the shortest one, partly so I could better learn the process of publishing on amazon, and partly because I saw a massive influx of new girls and guys joining the adult industry as a direct result of the pandemic. 

I plan to stick with the adult industry theme for my next publication, hoping that it helps those that are new to the industry. 

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